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Solar Panels Perth, WA: All you need to know (well almost)!

Cityscape of Perth Western Australia as the sun rises. The photo was taken in Kings Park. Image by Bruce Aspley

It would not surprise most of us living in Perth, and Western Australia that this is one of the best places in the world to install a solar power system.

Like most of Australia, Perth’s retail electricity rates are rising, and solar installation prices have fallen dramatically over the past few years.

This article is mostly about solar for homes. If you’re interested in solar power for your Perth–based business, please contact us to speak to Commercial Solar Specialist.

The Reason Solar Panels Work Well in Perth

Scenic and iconic Elizabeth Quay Bridge at sunset light on Swan River at entrance of Elizabeth Quay marina. Image by Benny Marty

The Reason Solar Panels Work Well in Perth

1. Perth gets lots of Sun

It is lucky for us in Perth that not only do we have a beautiful climate but also lots of sunshine most of the year. All that sunshine means more savings from your solar system.

How much sunshine? Perth receives an annual average of about 5.3 hours of ‘peak sunshine’ per square meter every day according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

That is ‘peak sunshine’, when the solar system is producing at its maximum for the day but more importantly Perth has long-term annual average of 8.8 hours of sunshine a day, way ahead of Darwin (8.5 hours), Brisbane (8.2 hours), Adelaide (7.7 hours), Canberra (7.7 hours), Sydney (7.2 hours), Melbourne (6.5 hours) and Hobart (6.4 hours).

These 8.8 hours of sunshine power the solar system, while the system powers your home or business. The larger the system the greater the power captured and in turn converted to usable electrical energy. The table below shows approximate energy output for popular size solar systems in Perth.

Perth Solar Panel Average Daily Power Output
System Size* Power Made Per Day
1.5kW 5.5-6 kWh
3kW 11-12 kWh
5kW 20-22 kWh
10kW 40-44 kWh
20kW 80-88 kWh

*Inverter Size with 133% Solar Array Oversize

Renewable power incentives

Households and small businesses across Australia receive a benefit under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to help with the purchase cost.

Households and small businesses across Australia that install a small scale renewable energy system (solar, wind or hydro) or eligible hot water system may be able to receive a benefit under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to help with the purchase cost.

Installing an eligible system allows the creation of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) with a value that can be redeemed by selling or assigning them. The number of STCs created is based on:

  • the amount of renewable electricity the system produces or the amount of electricity consumption it reduces
  • the climate region where it’s installed.

Solar Rebate Eligibility

Small-scale renewable systems that may be eligible for certificates include:

  • solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
  • wind turbines
  • hydro systems
  • solar water heaters, and
  • air source heat pumps.

Government Rebate Perth

Under the federal government’s small-scale technology certifcate (STC) scheme, households and businesses in Western Australia installing systems up to 100kW are eligible to receive the solar rebate and ‘discount’ the cost of installing a system. For those looking for a solar panel installation in Perth this is a great incentive.

While the exact amount of this discount depends on a range of factors including the system size. For system owners In Perth, this discount will usually cover about 30% of the up-front cost of a system and is one of the reasons why Perth solar systems are very cost effective.

Brighte Interest Free Solar Panels Perth